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Brown Institute Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brown Institute Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Grappling is the most primal and ancient of all martial arts. All cultures and tribes have developed different wrestling systems. Learning how to defend yourself in the close proximity of a pin, throw or submission hold is paramount. Most fighting ends up on the ground. Having a repertoire of trained responses can save your life. Gracie Brazilian Jui jitsu has taken the science of combative physics and anatomy to new heights, thus utilizing your opponent’s energy and strength against them. Our techniques allow you to escape and overcome a much larger opponent. By wrestling against an unwilling opponent you can test your techniques at the highest level. Gracie Jui jitsu backs this fantastic system not only with intense Jui jitsu competition but with (NHB) no hods bared fights. Throwing, tackles and take downs, position, escapes, .reversals and submission techniques are all part of this combative grappling art. Jui jitsu is also one of the most demanding workouts that will develop a wide range of physical attributes. Sensei Brown is ranked and accredited under Professor Renzo Gracie. The Brown Institute is also a proud affiliate dojo of Gracie cincinnati under Professor Jim Kelly and his awesome staff. Join us on our path to grappling mastery!


  • Brown Institute
  • 912 E Franklin Street
  • Dayton, Ohio 45459-5637
  • 937-435-5500
  • Email Us | Directions